<1:25>From [TylerScott] : ain't socialism GREAT!?!?!? :-)
To [TylerScott]: well i think it is, 4 real tho
<1:25>From [TylerScott] : or is this communism? I get em mixed up. LMAO
To [TylerScott]: i think this is just called being helpful...
<1:26>From [TylerScott] : actually, this is what we do here in America . .. we just dont like havign it TAKEN from us forcibly. We like to give on our own volition
To [TylerScott]: lmao wat do u mean?
<1:29>From [TylerScott] : I mean we are very giving and compassionate here, but we dont like the government TAKING it from us and just giving it to lazy people
<1:29>From [TylerScott] : who are never satisfied and never lift a finger to help the society
To [TylerScott]: omg
To [TylerScott]: i dont think we shud have this discussion, it will get nasty
Och där ungefär styrde jag av.
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